Friday, January 30, 2009

Anger & Lust - The Diseases

Anger and lust are the common factors in the human blood. More or less all the living beings are suffering from these diseases.
Anger is one of the dangerous diseases, which is commanding on everybody. This dominates our other natural characters. Anger makes us desperate even to kill others.
Lust is another devil, which force us to think that my next person possesses more than I have. Lust does not allow ourselves to be satisfied with what we have. This causes our downfall.
Some of us do want to overcome these. However, primarily it looks like the force of anger-lust are dominating and overpowering ourselves. Never worry much. Heed no attention towards these evil forces that ruled us so long. Let grow the thoughts of Brahman within you more and more. The more the thoughts remain with Brahman the more you will emerge as the winner in life. It is like the banyan tree, which is no compare to bushes. Still it looks same but when the banyan tree l grows it l automatically leave all the bushes behind. Similarly, when one starts thinking about Brahman or the Ultimate Truth the other desires start burn to ashes. A great thought automatically removes other. Allow your consciousness to burn all your desires.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Bhagavan's Speech

"God is religion. Religion is not of God. Religion is just a path to reach God. In this world, everyone is fighting in the name of religion. Everybody loves his own religion and thinks that is the best in this world. However, it is also very important to have respect for other’s religious faith. Then there will not be any fighting in the name of religion. Religion guides us towards peace. Religion is for peace. However, it is ironic that in the name of religion when people engage themselves in war. Truth is everywhere, in every religion.
There are many ways to reach our goal but we have to select the best for us. Then to follow until we reach our goal. If we want to go on the top floor of a skyscraper, there would be many ways to go but we have to select one way to reach the destination. Different ways are not our subject. Our aim is to reach on the top by any way.
Similarly, there are many ways to realize God. However, we have to focus on achieving the ultimate goal – God, not on the way, by which we marching. Select any one religion, any one way and then follow it. Everyone should have the aim to achieve God. To realize the Supreme is our ultimate goal. As that is the place where we all can meet,
where there is no differences, where there is no demarcation. Realizing Oneness is the only solution to stop the war in our world.".........Bhagavan

Monday, January 12, 2009

Immortal Swami Vivekananda

Today is the Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda. Remembering his immortal words is the best tribute to him. Here are the few words of his-

“No search has been dearer to the human heart than that which brings us light from God. No study has taken so much human energy, whether in times past or present, as the study of soul, of God, and of human destiny. Thus it has been throughout the ages in all countries. Man has wanted to look beyond, wanted to expand himself; and all that we call progress, evolution, has always been measured by that one search-the search for human destiny, the search for God.”

Friday, January 9, 2009

Nobody But Me To Blame

Nucleus resides in each cell and this gives the power to the cell. Summation of group of cells makes a part of living beings. Similarly, each soul is potentially divine. Each and every person of the society is the resident of a soul. It is the only work to manifest the power, which belongs inside of everybody. We have to remove the veil of ignorance to highlight the utmost power.
Youth is the middle stage which is neither too young to unveil our ignorance in the only way to manifest the beauty inside and nor to aged to indulge in the problems of the society.

Being the part of the society we the youth individually have to take the responsibility of the society. It is easy to point others but it is tough to detect our fault and then to rectify it. What we can do is to modify our Self. When each and everyone will think to make them beautiful then automatically the society will become beautiful.