Mind is a cluster of thoughts, good or bad; both thoughts are the barrier for us. Good thoughts are like gold chain which attracts us most and it’s too tough to get rid from it.
Man has forgotten his infinite character. Man is finite as well as infinite too. Man is finite regard to his body and infinite regard to his consciousness. Consciousness is limitless. When we think we are only a body we limit ourselves within a shape. Our senses and body don't always exit. When we sleep our senses doesn’t exit. Body also doesn’t exist always. Every one of us is due to die. When consciousness is not confined by body or by mind it is limitless, then it’s in a liberated condition. So this proves that we are born free but we make our identity small by our name and degrees. Man is finite regard to his body, mind and ego but he is infinite regard to his consciousness.
Man has forgotten his infinite character. Man is finite as well as infinite too. Man is finite regard to his body and infinite regard to his consciousness. Consciousness is limitless. When we think we are only a body we limit ourselves within a shape. Our senses and body don't always exit. When we sleep our senses doesn’t exit. Body also doesn’t exist always. Every one of us is due to die. When consciousness is not confined by body or by mind it is limitless, then it’s in a liberated condition. So this proves that we are born free but we make our identity small by our name and degrees. Man is finite regard to his body, mind and ego but he is infinite regard to his consciousness.